Friday, January 27, 2017

Inquiry for Profile Essay

For my word web, I chose Jodette, who is a family friend. When creating the word web, I realized how interconnected everything is. One person is so complex and that person's life is intertwined with many other persons. Jodette is someone who tells a lot of jokes and I decided to base my lead paragraph on one of his jokes:

"I always knew that I was a mistake. My father was 60 when I was 7, and my 6 or so brothers and sisters all avoided me. They say they're at college and have families, but I know the truth. Anyway, when I was young, I was a curious lad, I always asked my father so many questions. He would answer most of them of course, but I remember sometimes he would put a finger to his mouth and a hand to his ear and say "I think mom's calling." Putting my trust into my dear old dad, I ran over to mom who said "I did not call, but I hear your father calling." Back and forth I ran and it seemed that I ended up with more questions than answers at the end of the day!". Everyone at the dining table burst out laughing. Even the little kids, who went quiet when he started talking. It was like this amazing charisma and kindness combined into one person. One could not help but listen to his quiet but strong voice.

Museum Missionary uses inquiry questions that can be applied to other people. For example, the author used David Mills and other lobstermen to explain the workings and myths behind their career. The subject matter is also both unique and typical. David Mills is unique in some ways, but he has the common attitude of lobstermen and fishermen.

The evidence used would include how God told David Mills to go to Main and start a museum. Building that museum and supporting it is a religious outlet for Mills. In the beginning of the essay, David also mentions his religion when he talks about lobster being fruitful.

 I will have some presence, mainly it will include how I know the person and how the person influenced me. In passengers, the author has little presence and he focuses mainly on his subject, while in museum missionary the author has more precense and looks into his relationship with the subject. They both are very good profile essays, they are just told in different ways.

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